Read in German

It's not perfect cause Robin had to make it up for you, Aeon.
So if you might of noticed the numbers of the pages changed, that's no mistake. I have finally figured out how long the redone chapters are and thus we have 52 extra pages (Technically its like 26 or so but I added Chapter 0.2 to the numbering)
So no you are not missing a bunch of pages not to worry. Tapas will be missnumbered for a little bit, I'm not going to bog the tapas staff with a massive change and then have to go back to change things again. So I will wait till I get to some of the pages before I start bugging them with changes. SO please just bare with the misnumbering in certain places.
I will be working on renumbering patreon eventually, I'm just really exhausted from renumbering over 400 pages like 5 times. Do yourselves a favour if you're doing a comic... don't decide to change things 400 pages in. HAHA.